18.AZK - Ivo Sasek: Perverted Justice – United Duty | www.kla.tv/24495

1 year ago

First AZK founder Ivo Sasek explains why healthy organs do by no means guarantee a healthy functioning body, then he reveals hidden connections about why, despite serious Corona crimes being reported worldwide, barely any justice system has so far really bothered to prosecute the "reported arsonists" - but many of those who have "reported" this "fire" have been persecuted.


AZK is one of Europe’s largest platforms for uncensored information. AZK is the German abbreviation for "Anti-Censorship-Conference". Since its founding in 2008 by Ivo Sasek in Switzerland, AZK's multi-topic conferences offer the public the opportunity to hear competent opposing voices to prevailing opinions on economics, politics, medicine, science, philosophy and religion. It is time to give humanity the opportunity to make informed decisions. But for independent decisions, in addition to the so-called "public opinion" (mainstream), there is also an essential need for platforms for uncensored and complete counterstatements. The Anti-Censorship-Movement, AZK, is an international, non-denominational, non-partisan, free information movement. No claim to infallibility is made. AZK is not committed to any creed except the free right to information. AZK builds bridges between most different people, who now fight side by side for the truth. Transforming suffering into joy, hardship into love and spreading powerful energy.
On November 26, 2022, the 18th AZK conference took place.

Watch all of it here: https://www.kla.tv/AZK18-en
Find out more: https://www.anti-zensur.info/

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