Faith is the Only Means | Predestination

2 years ago

Every thing can be used for the fulfillment of our desires.

Whether something is a hindrance or a tool is a matter of perspective, and determined by the larger narrative.

Focusing on and empowering some condition as a determining factor in our failure or success turns it into an idol.

We may not see how seemingly restraining conditions may be utilized in the greater story to produce outcomes we desire.

But that is not necessary for us.

All we are obligated to do is determine the end, and remain faithful to that end using God’s name, which is “I Am.”

We look away from all present circumstances and all potential restrictions and give our exclusive faith in “I Am” joined with the outcome we desire.

Through this faith in “I Am” all obstacles are overcome and are reappropriated as the means through which we achieve our goals.

The difference between faith in “I Am” and the physical and the mental efforts to overcome and rationalize present and potential circumstances is the difference between wisdom and knowledge.

The intellect can endlessly create excuses, and opposition towards our goals.

But wisdom is the understanding that the context determines the outcome of the content.

And ultimate wisdom is the abandonment of the intellect towards the utilization of our goals and the exclusive use of intellect in the determination of our goals.

And once the intellect gives way to Faith in the means to our end, we are wise enough to realize all the ends that our intellect desires.

©2022 Pearls & Bacon Ltd.

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