How Brett Raised $1.95 Million in the Last 27 Days - Real Estate Investing Minus the Bank

1 year ago

How Brett Johnson Raised $1.95 Million in the Last 27 Days - Real Estate Investing Minus the Bank

“Our number goal is to help other people and sometimes the best thing you can do to help is to buy their home.” - Brett Johnson

If you are a real estate investor wondering how to raise and leverage Private Money to make more profit on every deal then you’re in the right place.

On Raising Private Money we’ll speak with new and seasoned investors to dissect their deals and extract the best tips and strategies to help you get the money!

Today, Jay’s guest, Brett Johnson shares his story on how he was able to raise $1.95 Million of Private Money in just 4 weeks!

Institutional money takes too long to process making it the reason you miss out on real estate deals.

Private Money can help you be in control of your real estate investing business and never have to worry about where to get the funding for your deals.

Plus closing deals in 7 days is possible in the world of Private Money!

Opportunities are endless! Claim it now!

0:01 - Raising Private Money with Jay Conner
1:00 - Today’s guest: Brett Johnson
2:04 - Private Money is What’s Been Missing In Your RE Business
3:15 - How To Raise $1.95 Million Of Private Money In 4 weeks
4:50 - The True Meaning Of “The Money Comes First” IN RE
6:48 - Our Number 1 Goal Is To Help People
7:44 - Security For Private Lenders
10:00 - I Have Never Been Ashamed To Talk About My Faith
13:11 - In The World Of Private Money You Make The Rules
15:41 - Jay’s Free Money Guide:
16:40 - Money Needs To Be Happy On Both Sides
20:36 - Jay’s Biggest Mistake
22:22 - Private Money Can Be Use In Any Kind Of Real Estate Deal
24:02 - We Are Brought Into This World To Become Creators
25:22 - Brett Johnson’s One Piece Of Advice: “Talk To People, Share Your Story”

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What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner

Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal.

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