The Clinton Body Count Conspiracy #147

1 year ago

So I just Google Clinton body count list or something like that and like that and the Ohio state University article here showed up and it was by nnadi.64
So I copied and pasted it to a narrator app and had it narrator break the story for me so I could know better like what's up with that and then I just thought well maybe some other people probably want to know what's up with that and it's not my business so I like that little beginning intro and the outro is kind of cool you know so I'll be enjoyed the video and I tried to narrate as much stuff as I can that's interesting to me you know it's not a big deal I don't really care just you know when I have questions and I want and a quick answer when I was waking up or when I was a trip in or whatever so I wanna do the same thing for other people that might be going on that same journey so that they can come to a conclusion faster of what am I even doing you know so I don't know I don't know just see where it goes you know.

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