2 years ago

You must always be willing to truly consider evidence, that may contradict your beliefs, and admit the possibility, that you may have been wrong, Intelligence isn’t knowing everything, it’s the ability to challenge everything you know. Now many people, and even some news agencies, have been quietly putting out videos, stating the case for the multitudes of imposters most have seen, but been to scared to comment on.
Trump has said for some time, “I don’t think its Biden does any one else think it is?” And know he comes out with, “ I don’t want him to resign or be impeached, I want him walked out of the white house in handcuffs, while the world is watching.” #MAGA.
I have put out about 75 videos on the imposters, in just over the last three years, but no one has been interested, because they thought it was impossible. Now, not so much. I have put out two books and here is the second one. But since writing this one I have found so much more treasonous activity over a much wider time span. Third book is on the way at the moment,
Only now do I realize, my first and second books, were covering so little of the actual long-term treason, of the Demon rats and Obummer. It’s time to round them all up, including 30-100 Biden imposters, and all Demon rats and probably most republicans as well, as all in DC, must have known about these Biden imposters, for half a century. The firing squad was not re introduced by Trump for nothing. And Gitmo was not made 5-10 times bigger for nothing either.

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