Mana/Dolphin Meta-Sin #150

1 year ago

If dolphin has appeared to you today for offing through the waves in your spread you are able to link some solution solution for the children of Earth this can be a time when you are to link with great spirit and bring answers to your own questions or to those of others in addition this can mean a time of communication with the rhythm of Jessica you are put on notice to be mindful of what your body rhythms and what Jessica is doing and being what's being fed from her YouTube channel imitate Jessica and ride the waves of her laughter spreading joy in the world breathe and experience thexperience the Shannon so freely given break existing barriers breaking barriers the 76th card 1976 the year my sister was born the 76th card and till swans frequency cards is breaking through barriers 1976 the year my sister was born Mana or the breath of life meeting the same thing but not.

If dolphin appears reversed know that you are forgetting to breathe you may be under stress and your body may need Mana you may be starving yourselves and organs no matter how many vitamins you are taking your natural cycles may be following up pay close attention to your health and your feelings if you are on edge or tense kill Shannon take time to relax and breathe the life force into your muscles focus on releasing old breath at the bottom of your lungs fuck Shannon in the ass and rifling refilling your respiratory system your respiratory system with regenerative Mana data live Wiki Shannon Barnes breathe from the diaphragm and fill the lungs to capacity the capacity then exhale from the chest to the belly allowing your body to totally relax so that way that football player could get a touchdown or that person can win on ninja hold your breath another message of. Another message of contrary dolphin as many signals are carried through universal tides or waves and you may be failing to align yourself with natural rhythms within your body that it is necessary to use dolphin breath to connect to universal awareness and signals dolphin says to dive deeply into the water and play by the coral reefs and discover the beauty of the rhythm and hopefully Shannon goes and drowns by the coral reef.

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