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Building a GOP Majority on Quicksand

2 years ago

Daniel Horowitz is back on Twitter at @RMConservative. He weighs in on the battle for GOP House Speaker. What's the purpose of the GOP regaining the House majority, if leadership remains unchanged and committee assignments are given to members with Liberty Scores in the 50s?


  • 0/2000
  • Truly the most unique podcast in conservative commentary. I have much respect for you. Also, please keep using Rumble.

  • I was not in favor of McCarthy but it was because I thought neither McCarthy nor McConnell should be allowed to retain their position given the midterms. Thank you for more in-depth clarification of the problem in maintaining McCarthy.

  • And with the imminent dismissal of Kari Lake’s lawsuit we are reminded of the complete collapse of the Rule of Law in America. It is now just about raw power and political will. That means that the only hope at the national level is the breakup of the UniParty. That means a new Independent party that consists of massive defections from the Republican and Democratic parties. What we are fast approaching is a test of how much humanity actually remains in the political class in America.

  • Conservarives radio died with Rush. The majority of blowhards on air now do nothing.