Dr Rima Laibow: Mass Culling; Prevent Genocide 2030; Big Pharma killing fields!

1 year ago

The World Health Organization (WHO) negotiations regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) would, if accepted, threaten U.S. and personal sovereignty. These IHR amendments DO NOT require a vote by Congress.

The worst IHR amendments were proposed by the U.S.. The Biden Administration’s proposed amendments to the WHO’s secret IHR negotiation process are a direct threat to the sovereignty of the U.S. and the personal freedoms of We, the People. For example, the proposed IHR amendments remove these words from Article 3: “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedom of persons” .

U.S. participation in the proposed Pandemic Treaty negotiations would further undermine our sovereignty.

It is imperative for you to lead an effort to #ExitTheWHO by supporting H.R.7931, the WHO Withdrawal Act (https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/7931). I look to you to lead the effort to exit both the WHO and UN and stop this blatant WHO power grab.

The IHR and Pandemic Treaty negotiations could produce two “legally binding” documents which give the WHO virtually unlimited power, authority and resources at the expense of our national and personal sovereignty and autonomy. The solution is to #ExitTheWHO.

Once the U.S. leaves the WHO and the UN, the IHR and Pandemic Treaty would no longer apply to the U.S..

I urge you to exert your authority and position to end our participation in the IHR and the Pandemic Treaty negotiations. Both are focused on dissolving national sovereignty and replacing it with a global medical and financial dictatorship (see Agenda 2030, “One Health” and “The Great Reset”). WHO’s Secretary General may be permitted to become a Dictator General, leaving the US without sovereign authority and We, the People, fighting to protect our unalienable right to privacy regarding our health and medical choices.

You have taken an oath to defend the US Constitution and the country from enemies foreign and domestic. US participation in WHO’s IHR and Pandemic Treaty negotiations, along with its continued membership in WHO and the UN work directly against U.S. interests. You must make every effort to end these negotiations and exit these organizations to prevent this unacceptable POWER GRAB.

I urge you to halt the attempted WHO coup:

- Direct Secretary of State Blinken to cancel these and related negotiations in order to end US participation in them

- This will effectively rescind the proposed US IHR amendments

- #ExitTheWHO and its parent organization, the UN

AMENDMENTS TO THE IHR: https://apps.who.int/gb/wgihr/pdf_files/wgihr1/WGIHR_Compilation-en.pdf

PANDEMIC TREATY https://apps.who.int/gb/inb/pdf_files/inb3/A_INB3_3-en.pdf

Please provide me with a specific response to my letter, not a generic one.

Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E.’s Profile
healthfreedomusa.com/ (Company)
luceleaf.com/DrRimaNet/ (Personal)

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