Preparing For Pentecost

2 years ago

The number 40 speaks of testing, probation, a generation, a time of provision for prosperity, as well as preparation for a new era. Jesus started his ministry with 40 days of personal preparation in the wilderness and the 40 days before the day of Pentecost was preparation for the Church who came forth out of the travail of Jesus’ sufferings. This makes us the offspring or generation of Jesus. Jesus appeared or was manifested, with the redemptive marks of the crucifixion on his body, at least 10 times (including to his disciples) after his resurrection, giving many convincing and infallible proofs that He was alive. He also spoke about the Kingdom of God and gave his disciples instructions to wait for the infilling of the Holy Spirit and power, which would enable them to establish the Kingdom. We are now in the time where He is once again proving He is alive by manifesting himself to those who realize how much they have been forgiven; and who have a love and a burning desire for more of him. The Lord will reveal himself to us in many ways, one of which is through His Word, as we search the Scriptures. We have to prepare ourselves in this time before Pentecost, because He wants to encounter us, touch us and re-affirm, and restore many things to us. This is a time of dedication and expectation.

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