AMERICAN HURL Has a bookshelf full of woke piss 17th Dec

1 year ago

I had a dream that I was kicked out of a store that targets 8 to 11 year old girls...did that really happen? Well, at least I wasn't the only one.

Thanks for the tip, AMERICAN HURL. From now on, we will go store-by-store for our next indoor whack-a-mole.

We sure hope that those NOT banned from your store go back. And we hope that the NEXT one of satan's corporations that need the G.O.D. treatment are spacious with clean bathrooms. Extra credit if you have comfortable seats for all of us. Thank you.

PS- The cops had a new gadget: pen and paper. "Here! Sign this! If not you are hereby declared trespassing NEXT time in this store...."

Really? Sign out? Like a corporate slave working the register in a mask? Like the slave hall monitors? Sign out HOW? From your dumb matrix...??? Maybe I should have if it were only that easy.

BOYCOTT the store you weren't going on the lookout for the next faceless mega-corp to get caught preying upon the innocent. Words are spells. Clean up your shelf. And I don't want to shout this over the sound of children so I'll spell it out for you F-U-C-K-Y-O-U

Thanks Angie for the extra footage.

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