JFK Murder Was a LBJ/CIA Coup d'état

2 years ago

There are thousands of documents related to the JFK assassination that the government still won't release to the American people even though they have been ordered by an Act of Congress to do so before 2017.
If Oswald really did it, if the Warren Commission's findings were accurate, then what purpose does it serve to conceal these documents as the government has been doing for so long?
What is the government hiding from us more than 60 years later? Perhaps what they're afraid of is that we'll figure it out: that the Assassination was really not the act of a crazed lone gunman, but actually a coup d'état by LBJ and rogue actors within the CIA, and that every Act that was signed into Law by Lyndon Baines Johnson during the time he spent in the Oval Office was just as illegitimate as his presidency. In fact, if the truth had been known in 1963, LBJ would have served a term in the Big House, not the White House.
It would also reveal the fact that our country has been irreparably damaged in countless ways by a rogue, unaccountable agency (the CIA) which must be "broken into a thousand pieces, and cast to the wind," as JFK so famously said just months before they murdered him.
Read my essay "The Coup d'état of 1963" to get the full story

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