Ignore the fact a woman was killed in London. These left wing people have no credibility anymore

2 years ago

If your left wing do not miss out on pretending your a nice person by posting about Jeremy Clarkson. I have not read his article but I presume it is like most things he writes or says is often tongue-in-cheek to give people a giggle and wind up left wing people. It let’s people on the left have a chance to post how much he is a bad person. I guess those on the left have already forgotten that wonderful speech Barack Obama made about how it was wrong to do this posting abuse about people they do not like. Now this is one thing. But this week Rebecca Ikumelo died because of a crush in London. Yet these left wing people do not seem to post any anger or indeed anything about that. I am angry she lost her life this way so why are they not fuming? Instead they pretend to be bothered about a few words on an article. They have no credibility anymore (if they ever did). So carry on with your fake virtue signalling. A woman was killed and you ignore it. Disgusting people.

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