🔴Live Stream | Skyrocketing Cost Of Living Crisis| U.K USA & China | Condo Tour

2 years ago

#chinalive #inflation #costofliving
Lets Talk About the Skyrocketing Cost Of Living Crisis| U.K USA & China
Sunday, Dec 18th, 2022
🌟 Beijing: 09:00pm
🌟 New York: 08:00am
🌟 Los Angeles: 05:00am
🌟 London: 2:00pm
We will be streaming using the LiveU 1080P HD live stream equipment.
Let's have a great time together.

The cost of living has been increasing across the UK since early 2021. The annual rate of inflation reached 11.1% in October 2022, a 41-year high, affecting the affordability of goods and services for households.

Housing Costs Are Unbearable. How Renters and Homeowners Are Adjusting. Rising rents and high mortgage rates in the US put a squeeze on family budgets.

"The rent eats first," said Nick Graetz, postdoctoral research associate at the Eviction Lab at Princeton University. Over the last few decades, wages haven't kept up with soaring rent growth, leading to an increase in cost-burdened renters across the country. In 2018, some 10.9 million households in the US were paying more than 50% of their incomes for rent. Higher rents make it harder for families to cover other essential needs, let alone save or invest. That impact is enduring, undermining financial stability for years to come.

I will cover the cost of living in China and US & UK. You can get a real life perspective on the living costs.

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