Just In Transition, The missing piece of Puzzle for the Last Mile to Success.

1 year ago

hello folks .. good to see you all once again in another important video and a Podcast. If you're here for the first time I'm Maya Kannan and I'm a deep Tech geo economic strategist , a Venture promoter and a serial entrepreneur. I work with institutions, brands private organizations, non-profits and governments both local and Global and also International institutions in terms of achieving their goals in projects and programs of larger the economic scale. In this video I'm going to be talking about an important topic called, "Just In transition". Although this just in transition will be specific to coal mining just in transition but this is kind of a common for most of the you know transitional projects and programs which play you know greater economic impact both locally and internationally right. a few days back I um attended a conference in here in Warsaw, Poland, the World Bank conference in which they've been presenting the two years of their working on the just in coal transition they were presenting the findings and the results and all. I found a lot of interesting facts in that but one thing I wanted to I really wanted to repeat things they have presented but would like to bring my perspective out of not only this conference but also from talking to the locals and doing my own and my team's research. I'm going to be talking about the missing piece right in the just in transition any initiative in Just In transition this is you know there's some missing piece some consistent seeing over and over again and a lot of experts agree with me. That is what I'm going to be talking here right. so the I'm going to be talking about these missing pieces. By the way, for those who are not familiar with "Just In transition", the just in translation is all about post mining era, to do something about the land the claiming the land and recreating the economy and transforming the region into a newer economic zone and create opportunities for the locals, the local people and the businesses who are heavily dependent on the mining industry, not specifically gold mining but mostly it is directed to coal mining but it is applicable to every mining out there, right. so post mining I'm not talking about the current mining but post mining it is done right for some reasons for a lot of reasons why the mine is closed are forced to close by the government forward these reasons right. this is all about the transition post-mining correct. I do qualify for this topic for a few reasons beyond my expertise, it's close to my heart. The transition. Two things. I in my childhood I grew up with my father running as a president of a local mine right. he was you know responsible for all in all operations and so I I used to go there right with the mines and you know how much of the workers problems and the the people the economic over there the environmental issues the regulatory issues etc. you know there this is you know back in India . So, I pretty much you know have the Baseline understanding deeper understanding of these things you know of the of the miners and the mining ratio mining problems right. Then, Secondly, when I moved to the US, most of my time I'll lived in West Virginia when I regularly traveled to coal mining zones and areas and happened to learn the people, their problems are always very close to my heart right. those who are following me for the last 10 to 15 years in the linkedIn or Facebook should know that how much I support and how much voice I raised in support for the people suffering due to abrupt transitioning of the mining, right. I am a Libertarian.

I believe in market economics and on Market to resolve market should resolve by itself without any forceful transformation and transitioning will have an address effect at the same time the you know there has to be some Global you know responsibility in terms of you know contributing things. and I also agree to it. so that's why the Just in transition is very close to my heart right because I believe I know both sides right. I especially I know the side where people who are dependent on this economy for the few centuries right if not at least few decades and how you know this thing can be done properly without affecting anybody. so I'm going to be talking uh this in terms of you know three piece PPP. one is the place. the people. the process. while the place and process are what most of the government talk and work on, and large players are looking for, the people part is something Everybody takes for granted, right. So because it's like it's very difficult. I speak with people. I lived in you know closer to DC and you know about 100 miles then I'm also closer to the low the backward economic people who are depending on coal. So, I know both sides of the aile. it's easy for people to say hey get out of the place move to the city right. it's not so easy; it's not so easy. it's.., why should ...

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