Richard Tice GB News 18-12-22 Andrew Bridgen MP calls for halt to covid vaccine programme

1 year ago

After his ground-shaking speech from this previous Tuesday evening in The House of Commons demanding a cessation to the covid vaccine programme, Andrew Bridgen talks to Richard Tice on GB News about it.

In light of the ever increasing toll of injuries and deaths due to the vaccines, and calls from certain leading physicians such as Dr Aseem Malhotra to halt them, Andrew Bridgen has taken the admirable position of making it known to Parliament that he feels the same.

The injuries and deaths from these jabs are reaching epic proportions worldwide which far exceed those from covid itself yet Governements and media seem curiously uninterested in reporting on it or doing anything about it. Quite the opposite to when covid was killing people - they were falling over themselves to give daily updates on the death toll, showing the number of deaths each evening on the news in large bold red numbers. Anyone would have thought the were trying to frighten us on purpose.

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