The Great Reset = History Rhyming

1 year ago

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Agenda 21 - Sustainable Development is - Feudalism 3.0.

The Great Reset is upon us. They told us decades ago to expect it this very year: 2020. -- They were deadly serious.

The Billionaire Cabal claimed after WWII that -- we must end War before we destroy Mother Earth. -- The only way to have Global Peace was via --- a Common, Global Enemy.

In the late 1960, the Club of Rome was formed to formulate who that enemy might be. They chose --- Humanity itself. -- To End War, they created a religion in which - They are the Saviors -- saving humans from - themselves. Today - we know it as -- Climate Change or Sustainable Development.

The nuts + bolts of it are the same as always: Technology + Infrastructure + Tools of Domination.

It is nothing more than Feudalism 3.0. It's playbook was handed out in 1993 when the Billionaire Cabal ordered World Leaders down to Rio for a meeting. They had to regroup because Feudalism 2.0 had rapidly collapsed across Eastern Europe from 1988-1991.

-- History is now -- Rhyming...

In 1973, the Club of Rome told the world -- Its Scientists had proven -- Civilization would begin to rapidly collapse in a specific year: 2020.

You can't predict the Covid Virus 47 years in advance. -- But --- your Engineers + Scientists can tell give you a good estimate for how long it will take to evolve the technology/tools + create the Infrastructure necessary to ----- Dominate Humanity just like the Elite Cabal enjoyed under Feudalism 1.0.

2020 - 2040 is the time period in which The Great Reset has been associated in documents here + there going back decades.

Now, 2020 is here, and they launched the effort with a Man-Made Virus + Lockdowns that have killed Millions worldwide.

We have been here before.

It gets FAR worse. If they are not stopped....

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