Hamza's Incorrect Diet Advice (Debunking His Video)

2 years ago

Hamza's Incorrect Diet Advice (Debunking His VIdeo):
I love Hamza; his message is fantastic. Although he is right about many things, his nutritional claims are incorrect, and his advice is not optimal. I've done my best to debunk one of his more popular videos where he talks about nutrition, highlighting some key concepts. Enjoy the video (^:

0:00 - Jeffrey vs Adonis
0:34 - I love Hamza
0:47 - Diet vs Exercise
1:13 - Carbs
1:46 - Intermittent Fasting
2:05 - Protein Powder
2:51 - Bacteria
3:20 - Fruits & Vegetables
3:54 - Whole Foods
4:16 - Macronutrient Split
4:34 - Most Important Advice
4:52 - Conclusion

Hamza's Incorrect Diet Advice (Debunking His VIdeo)

Intermittent fasting study:
1. https://www.gwern.net/docs/longevity/2019-decabo.pdf

Hunter-gatherer diets:
1. https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/71/3/665/4729104?login=true
"When hunter-gatherers eventually extended their range into higher latitudes, where plant growth is greatly curtailed, they must have been forced to live largely or entirely on raw animal matter, including their own body fat. Alaskan Eskimos, for example, had an estimated total daily energy intake of 12552 kJ (3000 kcal): ≈50% from fat, ≈30–35% from protein, and ≈15–20% from carbohydrates, largely glycogen from meat (7)."

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