1 year ago

Mike Balloun teaches today. 12/17/22



Loves Sufferings Passage…Or the attaining of the glorious life through the passage of suffering
Or self-consciousness verses God-consciousness
 “The Earth and all that is in it is the Lord’s”…. But the ‘World’ and all that is in it is the devils.

The devil is declared by Scripture to be the god of this World…which is to say the architect, the designer the mind and control behind it. Those unsaved in the World are in a state of deception and ignorant of how the World came to be and what the World really is, it is an enigma to them. But to the informed born again Godly the World is laid bare for their understanding by the Scriptures, particularly by those Words to Whom we are commanded to heed “This is my Son, hear Him.”
Jesus says this in regard to the World: matt16:26 it shall not profit a man who would gain the whole of what the World offers and then in the doing lose his soul. Jesus declared His disciples were not of the World even as He was not of the World. The Word says that the Truth is hidden to the lost in that the god of this World hath blinded the minds of them which believe not. Those. He says His are to be the light for the blinded in the World. He says that the things of the World can steal away the effectiveness of the Word from the heart of the hearer. Satan offered all the kingdoms of the World to Him in exchange for worship. He said those in the World are caught up in seeking things of the World. Scripture says Christ followers will wrestle with the ruling spirits of this World. Scripture says that believers can love this present World. We are to keep ourselves unspotted from the World. It is Written a friend of the World is an enemy to God. It is Written there was a World before this one that God destroyed. The Word says marvel not if the World hates you.
What was the origin of the ‘World’?
The intent of God for the Creation of Man was to rule and take dominion in this restored Realm. To bring God’s will to the Earth as it is in Heaven, this is made clear in Genesis 1 & 2. The experience of Genesis 3 answers to the design of the ‘World’ (meaning an alternative order, disposition, and purpose. It being described by James as earthly as opposed to heavenly, sensual and devilish conceived by the deceiver (james3:15). Its malicious objective was to focus upon the new creature’s belief.
Their obedient belief in God’s Word was their foundation for guidance and instruction in ruling over the Earth in His developing theocracy. Attacking their belief was the foundational purpose for the design of the ‘World’ system …that answers to satan’s slandering lie about God’s intention towards them, initiating false reasonings that resulted in unbelief in her heart about God. Doubting His Word and willingly yielding to the temptation of disobedience,… and in a twinkling of an eye brought her lively spirit in all its communion capacities into the unanimated state due to that separation from God, predicted in the Curse.
Which is to say from a God-consciousness into a self-consciousness.

Self-consciousness being the great abdicating demise of the Garden sin, and then and now answers to the ‘souls’ God-less reasonings and the bodies sensuality without animated spirit;… that forever manifests in the lust of the flesh (desires without the control of the spirit), the lust of the eyes (evil curiosity to contemplate unholy things) and pride/vainglory of life (satisfaction and boasting of things of this World).
This state of ‘soul’ without unanimated spirit is in every person born into this Earth, because the curse of death is transmitted through the seed of fallen Adam (roms5)…he is thereby born into the “World.” A citizen of the World.
To then be removed from being a member of the World is to believe God’s gracious Word of redemption. Because the original sin entered into the ‘heart’ (spirit-controlled soul) through the door of disbelief and brought death…so hence ‘belief’ with the ‘heart’ (soul controlled) in God’s Word is the point of redemptive faith unto being born again, and becoming a child of God (roms10:10).
So, it is, in the justice of God, by one man’s sin all mankind conceived and born into this earth have imputed ‘death; unanimated spirit, sentenced to be “flesh” which is to say controlled by the self-conscious soul encased in a sensual body. And so, also it is, in the justice of God, that by one sinless Man’s Blood Atonement sacrifice all men may be ‘imputed’ eternal life and made alive in their spirit by grant of His divine nature resulting in eternal life. They needed not to suffer with Christ to obtain this gracious gift with eternal life.
Yet this experience does not bring the soul completely out of the deep darkness into the brilliant light of the Truth…but can be likened unto that shadowed estate of the blind man seeing “men as trees walking’ …..the redeemed soul is set on a path with “…a dawning……..

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