HYPERONE PRESENTATION OFFICIAL (HyperCash) Wealth Transfer Like Never Before: Ponzi Scheme ScamAlert

2 years ago

Hyper One Presentation Official (HyperCash) Wealth Transfer Like Never Before: Ponzi Scheme ScamAlert READ MORE... https://www.dehek.com/general/tips-advice/hyperone-presentation-official-hypercash-wealth-transfer-like-never-before-ponzi-scheme-scamalert/

This one makes me laugh. Dubious people are stealing other scammers ideas and identities. They are passing off the good name of Keith Williams, Kalpesh Patel and Sam Lee, inconceivable! This new ‘want to be’ Internet Scam is claiming Sam Lee has broken away from HyperVerse and started his own multilevel marketing blockchain opportunity. You may ask, does this have legs? Would you believe, the new pyramid scheme actually has a left and a right leg to build your downlines. In these videos you'll see how it all works.

Everything I'm about to show you is a total scam and not financial advice. Do not invest in any of the following companies. The wording below is copied from the website and the videos have been lifted off the Internet and put together as a combination by Danny de Hek.

Kalpesh Patel Warning [01:40]
The Video [ 03:43]
Shohan Bowala HyperOne Scammer [17:50] https://www.facebook.com/shohan.bowala
HyperOne Website and Social Media Links [26:20]


Wealth Transfer Like Never Before Featuring Post-quantum Signature Technology

Developing a ledger system that will be the sidechain for both blockchain-based and non-blockchain systems.

HyperCash (HC) Exchange Partners Become part of our ever-growing ecosystem Purchase or trade Hyper One on any major crypto exchange.

What is Hyper One?

A decentralised and open-source cross-platform cryptocurrency.

Designed to facilitate the exchange of information between blockchains and non-blockchain networks.

A highly secure network, featuring quantum resistant signature technology.

The Next Generation of Hyper One - A parallel, dual-chain ecosystem

The Hyper One network has two chains running laterally, with each serving different functions within the ecosystem. These two chains serve to provide us with an interlinked, bifocal dual-token, dual-chain ecosystem that will help us solve interconnection, privacy and security issues prevalent in the current blockchain ecosystem.

The Hyper One ecosystem will consist of two chains that include the Hyper One (h1) main chain and the Hyper Exchange (HX) chain that is derived from the main chain, but will work towards bridging communication between blockchains including BTC,ETH and others, and non-blockchains such as DAGs

1) Decentralised autonomous governance
We believe that a community-driven autonomous governance model can adequately fulfill the needs of the Hyper One community, ensuring the efficiency of decision-making, and creating a more sustainable and inclusive development environment.

2) PoW+PoS hybrid mechanism
Under the hybrid Pow + PoS consensus mechanism, all PoW-generated blocks must be verified by PoS miners in order to join the blockchain. Having both miners and stakeholders participating in block production eliminates the possibility of hashpower monopoly to a great extent, while ensuring the security of the network.

3) Privacy Preserving Protocols
Hyper One implements post-quantum lattice RingCT protocols, and improves and optimises zk-snarks, providing clients who use our platform with more effective options for safeguarding their privacy in the future.

4) Post-quantum Signature Technology
Hyper One supports multiple post quantum signature schemes, and is compatible with traditional ECDSA signatures, providing a high-level security protection scheme for users in a future quantum computing environment.

Hyper One will create a new platform which is able to be 'Connected' to different blockchains, allowing value and information to circulate freely between networks, redefining the value of a blockchain.



Your funds are stored in hot and cold multi-signature addresses on their original chain, managed by a RPPOM consensus mechanism, and only accessible by you.

- Take advantage of our platform's outstanding security
- Transfer funds easily from person to person
- Start mining with our intuitive wallet

Research Partners

SJTU is a public research university in Shanghai, China. The university is one of the first national institutions of higher learning in China, and renowned as one of the oldest, most prestigious and selective. It is one of the nine members that make up the C9 League of universities.

Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University is a public university located in Hung Hom, Hong Kong. The institution ranks 7th place on the 2019 Quacquarelli Symonds “Top 50 under 50” list which ranks the world’s top 50 universities established within the last 50 years.

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