The Cruelest Rulers In History

1 year ago

The Cruelest Rulers In History (Who Weren't Hitler)
When we think of the evilest rulers in history, names like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Benito Mussolini rush to mind. But it's important to remember that brutality existed in rulers well before the 1930s.
Others, like Attila the Hun or Chinese Empress Wu, may seem like obvious choices. But after looking deeper at the effects of their rule and how they were perceived by those they reigned over, it becomes clear that they're not the worst rulers in history. Instead, they suffered from then-contemporary historians' ire (Attila because he wasn't Roman, and Wu because she was a woman).
So, it's time to focus instead on those despots who were truly the cruelest rulers in history - many of whom are less known, though there will definitely be a few names on this list that ring a bell, including a number of them whose cinematic depictions have only further entrenched their place in the cultural consciousness.

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