This is Your Fight Uncle Sam Not Ours. Black women have had to Fight our Whole Lives #blm #metoo

2 years ago

She looks like she knows how to handle herself. She’s going to need those skills in the military. Women are stalked, raped, drugged and killed by their fellow airmen, officers, privates…

All they want to do is stick their stuff in your mouth and between your legs. You comply or they take it. Women in the military are pu$$y on tap for their fellow horny soldiers. You better be able to protect yourself or get taken advantage of.

The military on allowed women in so that soldiers could have something to fu€k whenever they wanted it. It’s better for them to rape a fellow soldier than to rape someone in a foreign country.

You are not appreciated by this country Black Woman. They’ve got your black sons, brothers and children in their jails getting raped too. Don’t fall for the $50,000 sign on bonus.

There’s always a better way.

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