The biggest secret in business is…

1 year ago


Creating a new category to change the face of how business is underpinned isn’t easy, as people generally will try to naturally tie it to their understanding of traditional methods, and that’s fine that’s human nature.

So what was my plan?

🤔 Who had attention in a similar space?
🗣️ Speaking to those body of works will show my commercial understanding and syphon some of their demand to me.

From there use traditional methods of reversing how an advert works. Top down ;

🟢These are the targets
🟢These are the triggers
🟢This is what we know against existing profiling
🟢These are the ones we eliminate due to proper targeting.
🟢These are the channels
🟢This is the messaging

Ensuring the educational content meets these markers.

🔴What would the key target audience need to see

🔴 Where would they need to see it

🔴Will that make it real for them? and take them to the dream state and what does that look like?

Secret time.

Now the secret is, that might not be a person in traditional role… or a location of a generally targeted persona. 💭

Who/What is the commercial access gate to get that decision, item, consumable one to many? 🧐

That might be an access lever into a ecosystem that already like love and need what you do.

So if you have met the above markers…. That’s where the magic happens.

❌If you want hard sell left to right.
❌If you want always closing.
❌If you want market abrasion
❌If you want cumbersome methods from

These systems ARE NOT for you.

#ClosedCircuitSelling is one motion to create and capture demand, and remove abrasion from client acquisition pre and post sale.

Utilising this framework, we build ecosystems for Done for you clients, removing the requirement for marketing, new business and key account management.

Demand + Outbound Actions = Revenue

We put sales, marketing and customer success together, so you don’t have to.

*If this content has helped you, please follow for more daily tips on all things revenue.

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