Messiah Jesus - Trailer

2 years ago

Book trailer for Messiah Jesus: The World's Only True Hope

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The world has always looked for its savior, its messiah. The true Anointed One has come in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. This book is a vigorous defense and propagation of Jesus' messiahship. Dr. Eloy Puga weaves an effective tapestry of apologetics, comparative religion, Christology, exegesis, and prophecy as he presents the case that Jesus is the authentic Messiah and the only One that brings genuine hope.

Messiah Jesus explores the concepts of the biblical Messiah, pseudo-messiahs, hope, and the prophetic criteria for messiahship while showing that only Jesus fulfilled God's prophetic standards. As you read you'll find answers to: • Who/What will Messiah be? • How will He appear? • Where and when will He show up? • What will He do? • Has God confirmed His Messiah? • Is Jesus the only way to God? • Is there true hope? Messiah Jesus equips you to recognize the truth that Jesus is God's Messiah and the Savior of the world. This is a faith-building tool that answers questions and clarifies areas concerning Jesus' messianic role. Let God use this book to take your confidence and worship to another level as you increase in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ!

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