Reprogramming Fear into Freedom by Shifting Perception | Johan Cools | Far Out with Faust Podcast

2 years ago

On episode 62 of the Far Out with Faust podcast, we meet Johan Cools, elite performance coach, researcher, and mindset transformer who literally wrote the book on reprogramming fear into freedom. Cools — an architect by trade — spent 10 years as the city architect of Bruges, Belgium. After personal hardship led him to spend a decade researching the origin and treatment of cancer, Cools realized that it’s not a fault in our biology that’s causing chronic illness and subpar performance —but our modern lifestyle.

Now a performance coach and mindset expert, Cools has spent the last few years analyzing and contemplating how the elites and the mainstream media have capitalized on the powerful emotion of fear to create mass hysteria through false perception among much of the population. But this is far from conspiracy theory: we’re talking about quantifiable science.

Ever heard of FIFI the giraffe? You don’t want to miss what Cools has to say about how this ingenious creature evolved. Spoiler: it’s a long story (wink, wink).

We’re answering some of the most important questions of our time, including:
How has fear shaped our worldview — and allowed policymakers to blind us?
What is conscious ignorance?
How do you break a bad habit?

Stay tuned to hear about Johan’s theory of the six E’s — it’s an idea that applies to every single one of us.

If you’ve been wondering whether your friend, neighbor or loved one is under some kind of spell, here’s how to find out. We’re offering up the warning signs of mass psychosis — and what you can do about it. Spoiler alert: we're looking at you, @Dr. Patrick Porter (episodes 13 & 58) and Dr. Francisco Cidral (episode 54).

Stay till the end to hear about the revolutionary supplements (based on the 4th state of water) that Cools has been developing.

Connect with Johan Cools:

Explore his work:
BrainUpgrade for BrainPandemics, coming in 2022
Modern Lifestyle Kills, coming in 2023

1:47 - Introducing Johan Cools
05:37 - Getting into Johan’s published works
12:19 - The instillment of FEAR in news, media and info output
15:14 - Fear Factor & the Reptilian brain
16:16 - The “FIFI concept”
21:50 - FIFI’s benefits on cellular level
26:09 - How media controls FEAR in the subconscious mind
30:06 - Using FIFI to improve one’s performance
35:41 - The “hidden agenda” of the subconscious
38:50 - The hypnosis pandemic
41:47 - Limiting beliefs: subconscious belief systems vs the self image
44:37 - The 6 E’s
46:52 - Trauma driven: programs, platforms, research and media
54:48 - Fear of freedom & conscious ignorance
59:32 - Habit forming Conscious & Unconscious competence
1:05:36 - MTA: Mental Transformation Animation
1:08:00 - Using Braintap technology
1:12:16 - MTA work: Preventing limitations with the HERE & NOW
1:19:56 - Becoming #1 vs staying #1
1:24:11 - The Mito Exito program/protocol
1:35:10 - Johan’s research with cell metabolism
1:39:52 - Looking into Johan’s book/chapter
1:42:06 - 2 biggest problems of humanity

#Podcast #Fear #Mindset #Hysteria #FarOutWithFaust

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