SEERS: Catastrophic Contagion 🚩🚩Severe LockDowns

1 year ago

Remember Kill Bill saying we will Remember the next one, after his Event 201 failed??, Well they are at it again, in October they did another Simulation, this ones called Catastrophic Contagion, the outbreak is Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025,( SEERS) and Kill was there to oversee it, so spread this so people are aware of this Scam when its unleashed in the new year Get ready for more severe lockdowns and a bigger push for everyone to get jabbed, Especially your Children, as they peddle their Fear Propaganda Bullshit, unless of course by some Miracle ,the zombies wake from their slumber and rise up and Resist, Lets hope and pray they do for the childrens sake, before we lose millions of them , but i very much doubt, .

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