Taken into Custody at Death

1 year ago

Music by Send Rain
I recently saw a person who was walking around a shopping mall and he was holding up a $20 bill.

He was telling every young adult he approached that they could have the $20 if they could quote just one Bible verse?

He asked person after person and not one was able to quote a single verse?

Several asked him “What is the Bible”

Satan has done a great job of removing God from out schools and life in general?

Several years ago I was wearing a tee shirt that had a picture of Jesus on it and a young man about 13 ask me who He was?

I told him about Jesus and he said he never heard of Him?

Satan through our schools and universities have also done a great job at convincing students that this life is all there is, the here and now, that's it?

You are the center of the universe, you determine what's best for you, you determine your own truth,

You are entitled to everything and no one has the right to with hold anything from you that you want? Shoplifting?

This has produced a very short sighted generation, because this is all that is or ever will be no need to worry about death?

The Universities never allow a speaker, a book in the library, or anything with a different point of view.

Evolution is king, don't confuse me with any facts!

What these young people don't know is at the point of death there is something more?
You decide your eternal destination before that day arrives?

Ecc 8:8 There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.

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