WEF's Klaus Schwab Is Just A Patsy, There's A Set Up Going On - Greg Reese With Alicia Powe

2 years ago

"You'll see when once they realize that they've been lied to about this one thing, they'll quickly find the nearest, quickest alternative lie and jump on board with that as if there's a certain comfort in life and saying, Okay, well, now we know what's going on." - Greg Reese

"And there's a fake enemy, which is the World Economic Forum and they're wildly crazy transhumanist things. That's the bad cop. And then we're about to get the good cop..." - Greg Reese

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Watch the Full UNCENSORED PREMIUM Interview: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2022/12/greg-reese-uncensored-premium-the-alicia-powe-show/ref/16

Infowars reporter Greg Reese discusses the existential threats facing America as “patsies” of the World Economic Forum and “cowardly” celebrities, who were too afraid to stand for the truth during the manufactured Covid pandemic, distract the public with one psyop after another, in an exclusive interview with Alicia Powe.

See all of Alicia Powe's content: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/shows/alicia-powe/

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URGENT: Only Weeks Remain To Shield Your Retirement Savings From Biden's Tax Plans: https://redvoicemedia.net/aliciagold

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