December 17 2022 De-Genderation of the Family

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In the 60’s it was" make love not war" and today it’s simply make war . . . on the family. What Satan destroys he first corrupts and brother he is well on his way to destroying the family with his own children. DOMA takes a fall and the Defense of the Kinky Family is now front and center. So now what? Well, those that don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it, amen?

BJ and Mr. Anderson talk with guest Michael Heath in the first hour. Mike worked with thousands of others to help produce the Defense of Marriage Act that President Clinton signed. A Defense of Marriage Act that was just obliterated this past week by Congress and Biden. So what happened, how did it happen, where did we go wrong and what should we do next? If you don’t know where you are coming from it’s hard to plan your future.

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