Your Military Obligation is 8 Years Regardless of if you sign on for 2, 4, or 6 years. #metoo

2 years ago

Your obligation is 8 years. Don’t let them fool you with a 2-6 year contract. You will be vaccinated during basic training with experiment drugs. These vaccinations will never appear on your medical records and no one will tell you what they are or what they’re for.

You will be experimented on using V2K and gang-stalked once you get out. They don’t want to pay disability rates retirement benefits so they’ll try to get you to commit suicide.

Do not take the oath of enlistment and align yourself with Satan. Do not pledge your allegiance to the devil. Do not swear a solemn oath to the beast.

The US Military are nothing but hired guns. They’re the World Police. Bunch of thugs in the biggest Gang here in Hades.

These Earthly Contracts have Spiritual Consequences.

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