landscape in short videos @volta3600

2 years ago

THE ONE WHO IS ALWAYS HAPPY Your air, your gesture, your forehead They are beautiful like a beautiful landscape; Laughter plays in your image What a fresh wind on the horizon. The hurt that brushes your steps Succumb to your youth, To your flame, to the light Your shoulders and your arms. The dazzling, vivid colors Of your indiscreet garments Throw in the spirit of the poets The image of a ballet of flowers. Such mad garments are the emblem Of your mischievous spirit; O madwoman for whom I am mad, I hate you and I love you, that's my dilemma! Once, in a beautiful garden, By dragging my atony, I felt, like cruel irony, The sun rise against me; And humbled by beauty Of spring drunk with color, There I punished in a flower Nature's insolence. So I wanted one night, When the hour of voluptuousness strikes, To the fronds of your person Go up, with a whip in your hand, Punish your enraptured flesh, Hurt your forgiven chest And open on your scared side A wide and deep wound, And, like supreme ecstasy, Through those trembling lips, More dazzling, more laughing, Infuse you, sister, my poison!

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