Ignorance is Innocence | Patriarchs

2 years ago

Without Law, without a target, and without an Ideal, there can be no judgment.

And those who understand and practice the Law and embody the Ideal, are bound to forgive the innocent.

The judgment that comes from the Ideal does not carry external punishment, but there is still and internal self-fulfilling repercussion that is cause by missing the ideal.

Unlike the laws of man, the Laws of Reality are self-punished.

You can be innocent and get away with breaking the laws of man, but there is no way to break the Laws of God and not gain experience.

And the fairness of this lack of punishing judgment lies in the fact that power only comes from experience.

And freedom only comes from experience.

The ignorant are innocent until they gain the experience of suffering.

The ignorant, the innocent, the powerless are not free until they are molded by their own punishment and made worthy and capable of holding power.

The judgment that comes from ideal and the holders of power is only to reward.

Once reward is accepted, the innocent begin to accept the Ideal.

Similarly, once there is desire to avoid missing their goals and being self-afflicted by a lack of understanding, the innocent accept the Ideal.

And the process of experience begins.

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