What is Grooming? (Pt 4) Understanding the Red Flags

1 year ago

In this video (part 4 of 4 parts), Rev. Russell sits down with Jon K. Uhler, LPC, who has worked with the full continuum of men who’ve sexually offended, to help to viewer understand what to look for, in terms of the key red flags to watch for, when it comes to the sophisticated sexual predator (the kind most likely to gain direct access to minors, yet the least likely to be suspected), the process by which a man becomes sexually deviant, and the role pornography plays in men sexually offending.

What is Grooming? (Pt. 1) Insights from a Sex Offender Treatment Professional.

What is Grooming? (Pt 2) Understanding the Minds, Motives, & Methods of Sexual Predators.

What is Grooming? (Pt 3) Understanding the Strategic Planning of Predators.

Video clip from the documentary 'Shattered': https://youtu.be/lEXdlcqaT3E

Video clip on the impact of pornography on the male brain & interview with Ted Bundy:

This interview, and many others by Rev. Russell, can be found on: https://www.coffeebreathconversations.com/

SOGI International Taskforce (against the deviant sexualization of kids in schools):

Jon K. Uhler's Twitter page:
Youtube: @JonKUhlerLPC

Jon K. Uhler's website:

Jon K. Uhler's Blog:

Jon K. Uhler's Live counseling program, 'Journey to Healing', can be heard, Fri. 8-9pm EST, at: TECN.TV

The profile of the Sophisticated Child Predator:

How porn is being used to groom minors into the Trans Movement:

Can you tell which of the men are "Coming for your children"?

What girls are being sold by the Trans Deception:

The closer look at the men who seek to gain access to teen boys:

The Art of the Spin of the Sophisticated Manipulator:

The Child Predator's Tactics & the Trans Deception (a repository of Jon K. Uhler's blog posts re. sexual predators):

What the Pushers of the Trans Deception Don't Want You to Know (Pt. 1) : https://youtu.be/Bo1wrsb6wk0

The first interview between Jon K. Uhler, LPC and Alix Aharon, of the Gender Mapping Project, can be access here:
(Pt. 1) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
(Pt. 2) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
(Pt. 3) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:

To understand how the Trans movement has facilitated deviance on college campuses, thus placing young women at risk, listen to the discussion between Jon K. Uhler, LPC, and Patrick Trueman of the Natl. Counsel on Sexual Exploitation: https://youtu.be/X8BL9jH7eGc

For an eye-opening look at the "special interests" behind the push to legalize prostitution, watch Jon K. Uhler's intensive 2-part documentary: https://youtu.be/bIdEVKSjvyc

For more information on Jon K. Uhler, LPC, visit his bio:

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