Chat #8 - 18 Year Old Female Wants to Reverse MSE Expansion

2 years ago

Catherine is an 18-year-old female from Virginia who feels like her MSE expansion has given her improved health but at the expense of her beauty. She is unhappy with how MSE made her look and wants to know if expansion can be reversed.

She also asks several questions about posture.

1-on-1 Chat with Ron

0:00 Intro
5:54 MSE Before and after
8:22 Can MSE expansion be turned back?
12:49 Full face MSE before and after
14:59 Ron’s aesthetic assessment
21:19 Ron’s thoughts on body dysmorphia
25:24 The importance of posture
27:14 Engaging glutes for good posture
32:34 Upper body posture is much harder
36:29 Key to neck and head posture
38:27 Should neck posture be straight?
42:59 MSE trades beauty for health?

Esther Gokhale's One Mistake

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