IVOR CUMMINS – PLANDEMOCIDE 2.0 – TOSN 119 - 12.16.2022

2 years ago

We are delighted to welcome back our return guest Ivor Cummins, a Biochemical Engineer, who just came out with a video where he compares the simulations of future pandemics in Oct. 2019 and the subsequent unfolding of events....with the recent simulation in Oct of 2022 and the projected significance. Join us as Ivor illuminates the trail of big pharma's agenda.

Co-Hosts: Kynthea, Timothy Saunders and Annetta Driskell.

Show Page: https://www.theothersideofmidnight.com/tosn-119

Ivor's Website: https://TheFatEmperor.com

Strengthen Your Immune System. Cleanse it of Toxins, making it Resilient, and Resistant. The answer to a threatened immune system that may be weakened by over 300 different primary immunodeficiency disorders, poor diet, lack of sleep, and adverse reactions to various vaccines.

Show Archives: TheOtherSideoftheNews.com


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