December 16, 2022

1 year ago

A Automaton In Hell

We are very quickly moving into a Techno Materialist age, which will try to enslave huemanity into their Beast System.
Not just materialism but making Man subservient to technology and forever cut Man off from God.

The old time Christians outwardly braced themselves against “the World Beast Systems” by practicing outward modesty and inwardly they put a premium on godly purity of intention.

The COVID VAXX with Graphene Oxide, as the delivery system, is to make you able to fit into the Beast System as a SLAVE.

You will no longer be a free sentient hueman being, but you will be cyborg connected to an Artificial Intelligence. You will have put yourself OUT of contact from God. That is Hell.

We are at an Apex of huemanity. We can slide into slavery, as we have done so many times before, or we can raise our consciousness by looking to Christ, to live a circumspect life; by giving to others what we have been freely given. This is just a foretaste of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

The future is not for everyone. For many it is going to be a golden age on Earth.
Huemanity is much more than we currently have been led to believe.

We were made to live 250 to 350 years. The Earth is meant to be our home. We are tuned to Earth’s resonance and it to us.

Our Earth is meant to give us all we need for our bodies and spirit to be free of Dis-Ease.

Earth is a place for us to grow and learn, which is meant to take us back to Our Source, our Creator God through Christ Consciousness.

We were meant to be free to talk to God, and amazingly we were meant to hear from God.

Why do they want to enslave us? Because we are extremely powerful beings and we’re made in the image of God.

Through Graphene Oxide you will be connected to the Beast System to be an Automaton under direct control of the Beast System.

You may be a Automaton in Hell or you can be a Sentient Hueman Being in constant contact with the Prime Creator. To me, the choice is clear.

DO NOT worship or assimilate w/THE BEAST

•Additional Information:
An Automaton:
That which is self-moving, or has the power of spontaneous movement, but is not conscious.

•A memorable interview with Kerry Cassidy and Gene Decode discussing the Reptilian Alien agenda. The Graphene Oxide implant, which includes the fate of Mankind. A battle of Good or Evil, God and the Beast.
If you need a visualization to give yourself a brief glimpse of the immensity of the battle currently being fought. Think of the trilogy of the epic worldwide war story, The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien.

Patriot Underground interview.

•An analysis of the information provided in the interview above by Patriot Underground
Highly compelling, as is the interview above.

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