Greek Ashton Kutcher Seeks MSE Ascension - Stefanos | JawCast #16

2 years ago

Stefanos is a young professional living in Athens, Greece seeking breathing correction and aesthetic improvement.

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0:00 Intro
12:37 Exam photos
17:43 Side profile and facial hair
20:13 Forward expansion, facemask
25:09 Double jaw surgery, Mirco Rafaini
28:43 How much MSE expansion?*
29:53 Good vs bad MSE cases?*
34:23 MSE providers in Europe, Aise Cemile in Turkey
38:37 Screw drag, other MSE problems
42:13 What to do about mandible?
46:23 Osteopathy to assist MSE?
49:43 Filling missing spots in beard
51:58 Stefanos’ career, life
55:12 Reality of wearing facemask
57:40 DISE - Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy
1:00:29 Conclusion

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