The ABC’s of Aging -Episode 1.2 My personal Addiction Story

1 year ago

In this episode , Ken Laney CEO of BodyF1rst Wellness LLC , an entrepreneur and fitness guru interviews Dr. Michael Chase about his personal journey with drug addiction. Ken and Dr. Chase discuss the ups and downs of managing personal addictions as well as present possible solutions for how one can overcome their addictions. Please see the notes below for links and supporting research on NAD+ and addiction. For more information on how to use NAD+ for drug and alcohol withdrawals please email Dr. Chase at If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction please contact your healthcare provider immediately or call 911.

NAD+ Addiction

Sobriety and Satiety: Is NAD+ the Answer? - PMC - NCBI

NAD Therapy for Addiction: What to Know - WebMD

5 Reasons NAD IV Treatment for Addiction is Right for You

4 Benefits of Detoxing With NAD+ Therapy

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