1 year ago

2 Timothy 3:15 King James Version
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA MY FRIENDS!!! What an amazing day Ricky and I had today! We went to the Amish market today to pick up Ricky’s favorite cake, which is coconut cake, as well as some pound cake, a few chocolate chip cookies, and I picked up some seedless BlackBerry jam! We then went to Burger King to get some lunch and came home. Ricky made a whole bunch of chicken for dinner tonight, so we're gonna have a really good time. Overall, it was a really beautiful day and I praise God for it.

Allow me to ask this.

Who's had a significant impact on your spiritual development?

Was there someone in your life, that was a genuine godly influence to you, and helped you in your growth in Christ? It doesn't have to be a parent or any family member, but if that person is saved and loves the Lord, and lives out the faith they say they have, then they are a true godly influence. What I'd like to do right now with all of you my friends, is share some things that God has shown me from His Word on this matter, and I pray that it will challenge you to think about what your legacy is like. Come join me in this blog, and learn what it means to not only have a legacy of faith, but how to make sure it's a lasting and a strong one! 😊

So my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to challenge you in a few ways period to start with, I want you to think about this question from this morning's devotional, and I pray that it will motivate you in your walk with Christ.

How can you encourage others in faith?

I want to give a triple dog dare out there, to not only parents, but grandparents, aunts, uncles, and any and all adults out there, who were saved and loved the Lord, to not only say that you have faith, but live it! I challenge you to think very carefully about what type of influence you are leaving behind to your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews, and I pray that that influence is a genuine godly one. Teach them to not only live God's word out in their lives, but live it out yourselves. Don't say one thing and do another, but be genuine in your faith. make it a point to live a genuine godly and righteous life, not just in public, but also when no one is around. Live what you believe especially in front of your spouse, and your children, so that they will see Christ in you, and want to follow Christ. Be as Lois and Eunice were with Timothy growing up, so that you leave a lasting and godly legacy behind for not just the world to see, but also for your children, grandchildren and more so!! BE A GODLY AND LASTUNG INFLUENCE FOR CHRIST TO THIS GENERATION!!



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