Hygiene 3: Prevention Beats Cure

2 years ago

Your efforts will be better spent attempting to prevent an illness than it will trying to cure it.

Here in Michigan, much like all the mid latitudes, people tend to suffer in an increase in viral infections caused by opportunistic pathogens.

These viruses and bacteria are able to take hold because of the body's decrease ability to fight them. This suppressed immune system comes from not the cold weather but by the resulting poor lifestyle choices ie. staying indoors, not getting enough sunlight, not drinking enough water, eating junk Holiday food, and moving one's body less.

The solution? Stay as active and exposed to Nature as you do in the more pleasant months. It is far more effective and cheaper than shoving over-the-counter and even prescribed chemicals down your throat all in a vain attempt to lessen some mildly inconvenient symptoms.

Hydration support:
@RedmondLife @DrinkLMNT
Cod Liver Oil (Vitamin D): Innate choice OmegA+D Sufficiency

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