Leftist Fear Campaigns Harming Kids

2 years ago

When you really take a close look at the world from a rational and fact-based perspective, what you see is that, from almost every viewpoint that Leftists most often point to as a source of impending doom for humanity--issues like poverty, hunger, climate, etc. those things have actually improved over the course of history and have not gotten worse.
Throughout human history, every generation has thought that they were at the precipice of some worldwide cataclysm that would end human existence on this planet. However, history teaches us that they were all wrong, just as those who preach that the end of the world is near today are wrong. All one has to do is take an unbiased look at the facts.
Not only that, the constant fearmongering that's currently going on in our nation's schools and within the mainstream media, especially in regard to so-called "climate change," is not only producing a false sense of fear among the general population, which is cause enough for concern, it's severely damaging the mental health of our children.
We need to understand that fear is the most powerful human emotion there is, and that those who wish to control us, especially for political reasons, will use fear as their number one tool to do so.

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