Was Covid-19 a Mass Mind Control Operation? -Cathy O’Brien (CIA MK Ultra Survivor) Oct 11th

2 years ago

Interview starts at the 7:50 mark.

Source: Man in American October 11th 2022 interview with Cathy O'Brien

I first heard Cathy O'Briens story back in 2000 or 2001 and knew it would be a long time before people would WAKE UP to this evil reality and who really runs things and the evil that has been done to many people right under societies noses where they use their CULT MEMBERS in government and the MAINSTREAM MEDIA to put the public back into their NORMALSY TRANCE.

The the name of her 1995 book is called "TRANCE-formation of America".

Cathy O'Brien MK Ultra Mind Control victim on TRANCE-FORMATION documentary. CIA guy rescued her as a little girl from this experiment. We share this planet with some really DARK FORCE ENERGY people who are NOT like us and they do NOT like us. "Trauma" is the basis of MIND CONTROL and sexual abuse of a child is the worst kind of TRAUMA. In a TRAUMATIZED STATE we are highly Her father sexually abused her as a child and then he got blackmailed into SELLING Cathy to the CIA's MK Ultra project in the early 1960's. OPERATION PAPERCLIP brought over all of the Nazi's best scientists to continue work in the USA.

Cathy brings up the JFK assassination where the establishment media back them ran the government story OVER AND OVER until many people believed it. She also brings up the 9/11 attacks where people were TRAUMATIZED by this event (all of us glued to the news) and when you are in a traumatized state then you are the most SUGGESTIBLE and that was when they told you the BS Government story about what happened on 9/11 OVER & OVER on the news until you assumed it was true. Same as the COVID19 PLAN-DEMIC where they pushed the HYPE & FEAR through the media to scare people into complying for the WEF Global Reset.

(24:32) Cathy says the local politician at the time in her hometown (Muskegon, Michigan beside Grand Rapids Michigan) who offered her father the deal to SELL his daughter (Cathy) to the CIA was GERALD FORD who would be on the JFK WARREN COMMISSION (total White wash of the truth as usual). When Gerald Ford became the UNelected US President (1974) he had the cult team members in his cabinet like Henry Kissinger, Nelson Rockefeller, George HW Bush, Dick Cheney, & Donald Rumsfeld. They manipulate these MK Ultra victims by using the language of the subconscious and use it OVER & OVER. Cathy became a whistleblower in the early 1990's as she tried to free her daughter who was born into the UK Ultra world.

(42 minute mark) says in her 1995 book she said that Hillary Clinton was suppose to usher in the New World Order and when it didn't happen (2016 election) they went ALL IN with the VIRUS plan. The CULT is losing their grip over the publics mind now everyday. Cathy mentions that people are waking up especially with Klaus Schwab that by 2030 we will OWN NOTHING and be happy AGENDA. When you put a MASK (covid) on someone it DEPERSONALIZES a person and can't see facial expressions and is used in mind control. CIA spook Mark Phillips rescued Cathy & her daughter from the MK Ultra program in 1988. He saw children leaving the White House and he was outraged.

7 minute excerpt from Cathy O'Briens documentary "TRANCE-formation of America"

Cathy O'Briens 1995 book TRANCE-FORMATION of America.

More Cathy O'Brien stuff here.

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