1 year ago

In 1901, and 1910, British Naval Officer, Robert "Falcon" Scott, led teams behind the Antarctica Ice Wall, only to discover ancient ruins of cities, pyramids, beautiful ancient art / sculptures, and ancient technology, but he and his team were most likely murdered on their second expedition, due to their desire to share their discoveries with the world. This is just more incredible evidence that reality is completely rigged, and we have been kept in the dark about everything. We are the center of the universe, we are all special, and we are all gods and goddesses made in our creators image. Most people are aware of the Admiral Byrd narrative, but why has the Cpt Robert "Falcon" Scott been kept a secret for so long? This is interesting stuff, regardless.
Where do all of our worries come from? What is the true origin of our fears? What is the source for all of humanity’s dis-ease?
Why is everyone so sick? If the mind is the source of our actions, and our actions always result in illness, then what are the reasons for our collective mental illness? The world lie system creates our rigged reality, and this rigged reality is intentionally designed to create unhealthy minds, that lead to unhealthy thoughts, which lead to unhealthy actions, and that causes dis-ease. When you learn the true nature of our reality, and the full scope of the lie, your worry, fear, anxiety, and stress levels will begin to plummet. Once that process starts, the mind can begin to actually think properly again, spirituality starts to kick in, wise decisions are made, healthy habits are formed, energy, vibration, and frequency begin to shift in a positive direction, and your authentic self starts to take flight, like the happy, beautiful human that first came into this world. You will never find authentic spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional well-being, if you are stuck in the domain of fear, and chained to the television. I am available for coaching, or consultation. Extremely reasonable rates $50/hour for a phone call or video chat. Take care. 💚🤗😊

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Have a lovely day, Beautiful Gods and Goddesses. 💚🤗😊

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