In the Kherson region, combat integration of units manned by mobilized fighters continues

2 years ago

From the moment the mobilized soldiers went to the front, there was a heated discussion about the formation of units - many insisted that new units should not be created from only "mobiks" with no combat experience. Much more effective would come from units that had already been in combat and would be manned by new recruits.

One of such units is in the process of combat readjustment now at the training ground in Kherson region where Grigory Berezetsky, a military correspondent, visited. Seasoned fighters teach the untrained men all they know and have learned during months of special operations, practicing along the way, while the enlisted men fill the gap in their experience and skills. They are given combat comrades who fought on the right bank of the Dnieper, near Dudchany and Arkhangelsk.

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