May 2022 🐒 Pox Prophesy Gematria Illuminati Coded Message by the Numbers Synchronicities False Flag

2 years ago

The May 2022 News Cycle “Monkey Pox” Message

Monkey Pox is 945 in Jewish Gematria, 828 in English Gematria and 138 in Simple Gematria. Monkey Pox is currently in the News Cycle so we’re going to take a look and see if we can find any coded messages. All of the words and phrases below fall under the above numbers.

Keep in mind this is how “they” communicate; in plain sight. It’s how they plan deaths, accidents, or set up blood sacrifices. Numbers and Numerology are everything to them. They could be letting someone know that they’ve come to the end of the road. They also could be letting someone know where to find someone. These creatures are diabolical so don’t ignore the signs and synchronicities.

Before we get started I just want to say that this is for entertainment purposes only. These messages are not for everyone. Take what resonates and leave the rest. These messages are relevant for as long as Monkey Pox remains in the Main Street Media News Cycle. Please disregard messages after that time. Again, I am a Storyteller and have no direct knowledge of any events.

Thank you and let’s get started!

We are first going to take a look at the dates, times and numbers. These numbers can be read backwards or forwards. If you play the lottery, feel free to use these numbers. Also let me know in the comments section if any of these numbers are significant to you.

Dates/Times/Numbers (Backwards/Forwards)

One Six Six (166 611 1/66)
February Nine (2/9 2:9 209 902)
February Fifteen (2/15 15/2 2:15 512)
April Eleven (4/11 411 4:11 4-11 114)
May Thirteen (5/13 513 5:13 Taurus Bull)
Five Sixteen (516 5:16 5/16 Taurus Bull)
June Fourth (6/4 604 Gemini)
Six One Six (616 6/16 6:16)
Six Nineteen (619 6:19 6/19)
Number 7 (7 No. 7 #7 Month of July)
July Nineth (7/19 719 7:19 7/9 709 7:09)
August Fifth (8/5 85 8:5)
August Eight (8/8 88)
August Thirteen (8/13 813 8:13)
Call Nine One One (911 9:11 9/11 9-11 Emergency Help Danger)
October Second (10/2 102 1002)
October Four (10/4 104 1004)

We have a personal message for someone. And the message is as follows: All is well. Something new is happening in your life. Whatever you are looking or searching for is in plain sight. You are ready for what you’ve been preparing for or what lies ahead. Stay focused and enjoy the ride cause you’re at the Finish Line.

We have warning messages based on a list of words and phrases below. The messages are as follows:

Someone has a chip in his or her brain and is being mind controlled by the Illuminati or some other entity. It could be one of the people in the list above, possibly the 46th President. He may or may not be enslaved by a demon or his vessel or flesh suit could be inhabited by a demon.

The Hadron Collider was recently restarted at CERN. This could possibly lead to a lights out or internet shutdown event or scenario.

Light switch could mean power outage, someone’s lights being turned off as in death. It could also mean a country losing power or electricity. It could have something to do with The internet, 5G or 6G being switched on.

We have the word vomiting which could mean possible poisoning or a symptom of something. We have died on Monday which could mean that someone is going to be poisoned and die on a Monday. According to the Simpsons, a male United States President dies while in office an a female takes over.

Votes could have something to do with an upcoming election. So this could be election fraud or cancellation of an election due to the internet or electricity being turned off.

The next message we have is about a Man. Now it could be about one of the men listed above or not. Also this person may or may not be a biological male.

The message is as follows: This man is insanely selfish. He has evil plans for society or the world. There is a real possibility that he is an enemy of the state and a danger to society. He was an unwanted child or he has an unwanted child. There is impending doom associated with this man with the outcome being the United States as we know it is gone or he will bring about the end of life.

Spiritual Message

Jesus Wept (John 11:35)

Three Unclean Spirits (Revelations 16:13-14)

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

The Day of Atonement

On this day, Jews ask God for forgiveness for their sins to secure their fate. It's also known as the Sabbath of Sabbaths. 10/4/22-10/5/22

Purification Process

Acts 2:38 contains the admonition, “Repent and be baptized”—representing the first two steps in this purification process. But, as with the first step, an ongoing washing must occur throughout our converted life. 1 John 1:9 says if we confess our sins, God will forgive us and cleanse us from unrighteousness.

Blood Moon Exodus (Possible Rapture during a Blood Moon)

Cycle of Reincarnation (Birth, life, death and rebirth)

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