Don't Fall Into THIS Self-Improvement Trap

1 year ago

What does the future look like for you?

How To Live In The Present
How to be grateful
How to be present
How to stop comparing yourself
How to deal with the darkside of self improvement
Is self improvement ruining your life?
Are you living in the moment?
Are you living in the present?
How To Live In The Present Moment

To be on self-improvement simply means that you want to be better than you are now, every day you strive to improve things, whether it be your mental health, your finances, your fitness, and even the way you look but don't sit around waiting to be happy, you have to learn about gratitude for what you have now in this moment or when you reach your goals you'll never be happy because you will just set a new goal.

I think a lot of people need to hear this, don't let the future rule you, don't compare your own journey to others, your journey is yours and yours alone, only compare yourself to yourself yesterday but try to enjoy the journey. If you can't be content and enjoy the journey of life you never will, you see it all the time, rockstars, movie gods, and millionaires who are miserable, maybe if they had taken some time to reflect along the journey, things would have been different. Don't sit around waiting to experience those precious moments of happiness guys, try your best to be content with where you are whilst striving for more, it's hard to do I know, it almost doesn't even make sense, strive for more but be happy with what you have, but you have to be or you'll never be happy when you reach your goals because you'll just create new ones. Do you give enough time to yourself to enjoy what you have now?

The definition of self-improvement is pretty self-explanatory: Self-improvement is the improvement of one's knowledge, status, or character by one's own efforts. It's the quest to make ourselves better in any and every facet of life.

No matter what you’re pursuing, self-improvement goals are a critical part of your progress and happiness. But all too often our efforts at self-improvement fail. We aren’t sure which direction to head in, so we end up stumbling around hoping we’ll just happen upon the job, relationship or life we want. If you’ve ever fumbled through a dark room in search of a light, you know this “tactic” often fails.  

Self-improvement ideas aren’t enough. You need to get clear on what you want and why – and have actionable strategies that can get you there.

Self-improvement is any activity or goal that enhances your quality of life, helps you reach your full potential or leads you to realize your dreams. Improving your knowledge, skillset, character or mindset are all good ways to move toward your self-improvement goals. The important thing is that you are growing as a person. Why? Because if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Growth is one of our Six Human Needs and is essential to living a fulfilling, happy life.

Ready to create self-improvement goals, but not sure where to begin? Start assessing these areas of your life.

Whether you want to open a business or earn a promotion at your current company, there is always room for improvement in the workplace. Learn a new skill, attend an immersive business event or connect with a mentor who can help you identify your strengths. If you want to improve your career, you must work for it.

Relationships are the bedrock of your life. Quality relationships lead to a more fulfilled and happy life. Whether it’s your relationship with family, friends, coworkers or your romantic partner, they are all critical for happiness. Take a look to see how your relationships can benefit from strong self-improvement goals. Can you deepen some of these bonds? How can you be more present for your loved ones? Whatever you can do to strengthen these relationships is going to benefit you in the long run.

Financial health is an important segment to consider on your personal improvement journey. There is nothing stopping you from learning how to manage your money better. Learning how to attain financial freedom is a fine place to start in your self-improvement journey. A lot of stress can stem from financial worries. Eliminate those worries by learning how to best manage your money.

Your body will function far better with more energy. The better your body functions, the more you’re able to achieve in your life. You can strengthen and build up emotional, physical and mental health. Fuel your body and mind with healthy food, extensive knowledge and positive thoughts.

#selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #darkside

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