Leo Frank Case, Watson's Magazine Sept 1915, Part 4 of 13, read by John De Nugent

1 year ago

Gantt continues on with providing further testimony against Leo Frank by stating how shocked he was to see him appear what was seemingly out of the blue. Another eye-witness by the name of J.A. White stated that she went to visit her husband twice at work that saturday both before (11:30 PM and 11:50 PM) and after mid day (12:30 PM) where she saw the negro factory sweeper Jim Conley sitting on the first floor between the stairway and the door. Leo Frank claimed that Mary Phagan had arrived at the factory around noon time (or shortly thereafter) to receiver her weekly salary as she had been laid off the previous Monday. She left after inquiring whether the metal for the pencil had arrived or not and Frank claimed that he thought he heard the voices of other people near the stairways as she was heading out on her way out of the building. Within this forty minute period of time, Leo Frank had direct access to Mary Phagan with Jim being the closest alibi during which he had the window of opportunity to rape and murder Mary Phagan while Jim Conley provided accessory to the murder by trying to help him cover up the crime. The next witness was Harry Scott, who was Leo Frank's personal detective, testified that the pencil factory manager knew Mary Phagan intimately as she had been laid off the week beforehand thereby further reducing Leo Frank's credibility when he initially denied knowing her at all.

At the same time, Leo Frank stressed to Harry the Pinkerton Detective that Gantt was closer to Mary Phagan than he was and he did this repeatedly in order to deflect any suspicion from him unto the employee. He did this by stating that Gantt was always giving her constant attention so as to make it look like he was immensely attracted to her. Mr. Herbert J. Haas, the lawyer from Leo Frank's legal team demanded that Harry Scott, superintendnat of the Pinkerton Detective Agency, provide any evidence they had gathered before the trial could begin - an order immediately rejected by the policeman and his team. The officer further stated that Leo Frank and Newt Lee were put together in a room to talk with each other privately for ten minutes so that the pencil factory manager could extract further information from the night-watch guard. Newt Lee stuck to his originally story declaring his innocence whilst Leo Frank's body language of nervousness gave him away as a prime suspect in the crime.

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