The Election Illusion

1 year ago

Democrats want the American people to have the illusion of "free and fair elections." They have been somewhat more successful in other states in maintaining "the illusion" than in Arizona. While states like Nevada, Colorado, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and others, seem to have kept the fraud to a minimum (an illusion), Arizona seems to have taken a different path. Could it be that Arizona is a "test market" to see just how much they can get away with in 2024? Stay tuned, Arizona style elections could be coming to a state near you!

The fact is, NO ONE is as incompetent as the Maricopa County, Arizona election officials want us to believe they are. Of course, their "incompetence" alone should be enough to declare the 2022 Midterm Election irredeemable! On the other hand, what if their "incompetence" is intended to distract from the "real" fraud involving (for example) Runbeck Election Services, Inc., etc. Of course, no one believes that the Democrats are about to put all their eggs in one basket! (If we learned anything from the 2020 Election, surely we learned that!)

The Democrats (the Left) are very good at creating illusions and the fact that most Americans just want to live their lives and raise a family makes it easier. Unfortunately, we are at a fork in the road of what will become American history. Of course, we can choose to just live our lives and raise our families, effectively denying our children and grandchildren the same choice. Or, we can choose to preserve our way of life and the freedoms that will give our children and grandchildren the same opportunities. This is our hill to die on.

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