X-rated books in Maine school libraries…

2 years ago

X-rated books in Maine school libraries…

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Hermon parent Regina Leonard told WVOM host Ric Tyler on Wednesday about her year-long struggle to get answers from the Hermon school system over pornographic books the schools are making available to young students. Leonard and other parents are asking the school to develop a transparent policy articulating what kind of content school kids can access at a given age, but so far school administrators in Hermon have been slow to offer solutions. Grant, Shorey, Leonard, and a handful of other parents clashed at a long meeting of the district’s policy committee earlier this week. Grant walked out on the...
Source: https://www.themainewire.com/2022/12/maine-mom-rips-hermon-school-board-over-lack-of-rating-system-for-x-rated-library-books-listen/

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