At the Movies With Robert & Ingrid: Batman: Death in the Family & Other DC Shorts

2 years ago

Continuing our review of the DC Shorts compilations, Ingrid & I continue with the next set contained in the Batman: Death in the Family movie! Also the Catwoman Short.

In the Catwoman short, happening concurrently with Batman Year One, we see Selina receive a strange necklace from a cat that she recognizes and knows something is wrong. She then goes after a trafficker to rescue her friend Holly! This short had a LONG of sex appeal, taking advantage of Selina's Stripper past from the main movie.

In the Sgt Rock short, after loosing his entire squad, Rock (played by Karl Urban) is assigned a NEW team to bring in some Nazi scientists...and it just so happens to be the Creature Commandos made up of a Frankenstein Monster, A Vampire, and a Werewolf! With these guys the mission is anything but ordinary!

In the Adam Strange short, it's a pretty unorthodox tale. Rann is devastated by a Thanagarian Attack that kills Adam's wife Alanna and causes his daughter Aleea to go missing AND THEN he gets transported away by a Zeta Beam! Stuck on a far off world, Adam goes insane trying to figure out the calculations of where/when the zeta beam that'll take him home will arrive...and it drives him to drink! Oh and giant bugs show up.

In the Phantom Stranger short, it's the 70s and a young girl named Marcie are going with her friends to meet a guy named Seth. Why? So she can "find her truth" Along the way she receives an ominous warning by a wacko named the Phantom Stranger. Shenanigans ensue

And the BEST of the shorts, Death, focuses on the titual character from Neil Gaiman's Sandman. A young struggling artist has a run in with this mysterious goth girl, all the while he fights with his inner demons/doubts!

Now the main attraction, the Death in the Family interactive movie, is a spiritual follow up to Under the Red Hood as we decide the fate of Robin! If we let him die we get a summary of the movie...if we let him barely survive, it railroads us to an ending where he becomes Hush. BUT if we let Batman sacrifice his life to save Jason, the real choices being.

It's an interesting experiment that has some really good endings, but also some clunkers too. The acting itself is very good and it was just fun to get a character study on Jason through his different choices.

Overall this was an equally good collection of shorts with just a few clunkers (Sadly the Adam Strange one just really stood out)

#Batman #DeathInTheFamily #RedHood

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