YBS: News Roundup Dec 15 - World Cup; Fed; Ukraine; Iran; El Salvador; Minneapolis; China

2 years ago

00:00 Intro
01:47 World Cup
05:48 Fed Raising Interest Rate
11:16 Ukraine War
17:20 Iran expelled from UN commission on women
19:57 El Salvador War on Gangs, arrested 2 % of adults
21:05 Minneapolis Rent Control
22:53 China Subsidies hurting China

Live Questions:
25:27 Does the recent interview with Angela Merkel and her comment that the west wanted a war with Russia via disregarding the Minsk agreement?
30:20 There's a lot of talk about TikTok collecting data on Americans for China. I think TikTok's cultural influence poses a much greater real or potential threat to the U.S. What do you think?
36:27 I’ll be rooting for the nation of Voltaire, Bastiat, and Hugo! (If they lose, I’ll blame it on Rousseau)
38:26 I've heard you criticize companies for using anti trust against competitors. What's the difference between that and taking PPP loans? Is it wrong because it's directed at specific companies? Do companies have a fiduciary duty to use all available laws in their favor?
42:31 Would you debate Linda Sarsor, who hates Israel?
42:56 Regarding her essay "The Cashing-in": How accurate do you think Rand's take on the Berkeley Free Speech Movement was? Was there any substantive pushback against her view or facts?
43:42 Rush Limbaugh used to say sports is the only place you can put all your passion behind your team with no consequence.

45:07 Outro

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